I'm Back! ....and with Sara!

May 26, 2020  •  1 Comment

Hello All!

For those of you who don't know, not only am I a mama of two and a photographer but I'm also a full time teacher (and wife and daughter and friend and......).  With so many hats, my blog entries tend to get knocked down my priority list.  With Covid 19 Quarantine winding down, teaching and helping my son with e-Learning over, and the summer starting....I'm going to try recommitting to blog entries more often! I was basically doing all sessions or no sessions.  How about trying SOME sessions!?

Let's start with a sweet girl who I spent that last year getting to know.  Her mom has been bringing Sarah to me every three months since she was three months old.

Sara - 3 Months (14 of 59)Sara - 3 Months (14 of 59) Sara - 6 Months (16 of 50)Sara - 6 Months (16 of 50) Sara 9 Months (26 of 45)Sara 9 Months (26 of 45)

Her mom, Andrea, spends months for each session planning outfits and accessories!  I need to raid her closet for sessions because the bonnets, head bands, and rompers are so adorable!  Her 1 year session was more of the same!  Although not as smiley as she usually is....because....when are they ever when you want them to be?!....we had so much fun with her session!  She kept knocking her cake to the floor, throwing her flowers out of her tub, and trying to drink all the milk!  What a great way to end her first year of photos.  This session was my favorite!  (And the husbands did a great job assisting with prepping the next set!)

Sara 1 Year (4 of 93)Sara 1 Year (4 of 93)

Sara 1 Year (9 of 93)Sara 1 Year (9 of 93) Sara 1 Year (13 of 93)Sara 1 Year (13 of 93) Sara 1 Year (18 of 93)Sara 1 Year (18 of 93) Sara 1 Year (21 of 93)Sara 1 Year (21 of 93) Sara 1 Year (22 of 93)Sara 1 Year (22 of 93) Sara 1 Year (26 of 93)Sara 1 Year (26 of 93)

Sara 1 Year (19 of 93)Sara 1 Year (19 of 93) Sara 1 Year (27 of 93)Sara 1 Year (27 of 93)

Sara 1 Year (31 of 93)Sara 1 Year (31 of 93) Sara 1 Year (39 of 93)Sara 1 Year (39 of 93) Sara 1 Year (43 of 93)Sara 1 Year (43 of 93) Sara 1 Year (41 of 93)Sara 1 Year (41 of 93) Sara 1 Year (40 of 93)Sara 1 Year (40 of 93) Sara 1 Year (50 of 93)Sara 1 Year (50 of 93) Sara 1 Year (49 of 93)Sara 1 Year (49 of 93) Sara 1 Year (56 of 93)Sara 1 Year (56 of 93) Sara 1 Year (59 of 93)Sara 1 Year (59 of 93) Sara 1 Year (64 of 93)Sara 1 Year (64 of 93)

Sara 1 Year (68 of 93)Sara 1 Year (68 of 93)

Sara 1 Year (71 of 93)Sara 1 Year (71 of 93) Sara 1 Year (73 of 93)Sara 1 Year (73 of 93) Sara 1 Year (78 of 93)Sara 1 Year (78 of 93) Sara 1 Year (83 of 93)Sara 1 Year (83 of 93) Sara 1 Year (84 of 93)Sara 1 Year (84 of 93) Sara 1 Year (89 of 93)Sara 1 Year (89 of 93) Sara 1 Year (90 of 93)Sara 1 Year (90 of 93)

And to end the adorable session, my daughter gave Sara a pair of her favorite shoes. 
Not only did Sara loved them but crawled to Alexa to give her a hug!  It was adorable!

Sara 1 Year (93 of 93)Sara 1 Year (93 of 93)

I will miss seeing this sweet girl and her parents every month!  Maybe 18 months so we don't have to go cold turkey?! :)


There’s NO WAY we can go longer than 6 months. I’ll probably crack and talk Matt into something in 3 months anyways. Miss you guys already!!
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